Delacon’s Call Tracking Provides Superior Quality, Better Value and Richer Integrations
We’ve had several clients asking us to describe the notable differences between Delacon’s call tracking and call extension services to those of our competitors.
While both are still fairly new products for the majority of our competitors both locally and internationally, the team at Delacon has been dedicated to providing call tracking for more than 20 years, and are experts in the field.
Many of our competitors recycle their call extension numbers regularly, meaning if your customers are calling you on a number today, in a fortnight they may reach someone entirely different on the very same number. This will not happen using Delacon call extensions as we have a very clean pool of numbers and when a number is no longer in use, it undergoes a lengthy quarantine process.
This means you will not lose leads due to the number changing, nor will you waste time on calls that are not relevant for your business if someone is looking for another company.
Another important difference is once you click on a number as it displays with an option to dial, most competitors will count this as a call. Delacon only registers genuine calls where the number was actually dialed.
We have a plethora of additional features that other call tracking companies simply do not. These include our robust integrations with your current marketing and analytics platforms such as DoubleClick and Datastudio as well as access to IVR capture options that your customers selected- all the way down to product selection, allowing you to bid optimise to the value of the product using customer intent.
We also have the unique ability to track phone calls that originated from both mobile and desktop devices. Another crucial Delacon difference is that all data is automatically pushed into your CRM, allowing for accurate calculation of campaign CPA and much more.
Delacon’s call extensions can be used across multiple search engines such as Bing and Yahoo, meaning you have maximum flexibility as to where you want your brand to appear.
Delacon is an industry leader in call tracking and provide a tailored service to each of our clients, so you will always be in good hands. If you would like more information, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us today!