Optimise your online content strategy with all available data
There’s no dispute that publishing well-written online content has many positive benefits for businesses. Apart from providing pivotal SEO implications, engaging blog articles and content pages can inspire readers to share the links with their online communities and offers the business the ability to assert their dominance as thought-leaders in their industry.
While your content strategy may be principally focused around brand awareness, it’s important not to discount the importance of content as part of the conversion process. Prospects may stumble upon your content in their friend’s facebook news feed or accidently discover your website while casually browsing the web.
If a prospect contacts your company using a submission form, then this data can be analysed using your analytics tools. However, if the prospect telephones your company after reading an inspiring piece of content – then as a business, it’s extremely difficult to accurately determine the driving source.
By using Delacon’s advanced call tracking solution, content strategists and marketers can accurately assess the most successful content pages and blog articles that drive conversions – including both the click and the call conversion.
Telephone conversions are all the more important for content pages because you may not have a submission form on the page but you most likely have a telephone number in your header or footer.
With call conversion data, content strategists can analyse the types of content that lead to calls and use this information to guide their strategy. It would be a matter of replicating successful content themes to turn passive thought-provoking ideas into highly functional content that delivers customers to your business.
In general prospects who call your business are closer to making a sale. If these prospects have engaged with your business’ content then logic says that they would be particularly enthused to make a purchase.
Additionally, prospects may read several pages of content before contacting a business or may return to your website several days later to read more content. Using the Reverse Goal Path report in Google Analytics, you’ll be able to clearly identify each page on your website that prospect reads before calling your business. In the report, the goal completion location will be the delacon conversion virtual page.
In this way, you’ll be able to determine whether it’s not one single article in isolation that prompted the call but several articles all working together to convince the prospect to make contact with your call centre team.