Delacon Introduces Consolidated Customer Billing
Consolidated Customer Billing
Consolidated Customer Billing will help you access your billing data faster than ever. This is especially useful for agencies and directories who may want to re-bill their clients upon receiving their Delacon billing.
You are now able to quickly and efficiently download your monthly billing record in Excel format, with an additional sheet that has a Consolidated Overview of the most important aspects of your bill.
This allows for a breakdown of all costs associated with a CID (Company ID/Service ID) to be viewed in an easy and simple way meaning that there is no need for additional analysis. The new sheet displays the following consolidated data:
- Company ID (CID)
- Company name
- Type (of number)
- Quantity (of numbers)
- Price (Per number)
- Duration in seconds (total duration on all numbers relevant to CID)
- Total amount (billed for all numbers relevant to CID)
- Total calls (on all numbers relevant to CID)
- Average call duration (total duration divided by total calls)
- Total cost (summary for the relevant CID)
By having instant access to total costs for each CID, you can save time on manual calculations and manual consolidation of data. You will see all total costs for each CID.
Agencies can now also get an instant snapshot of client performance and make recommendations accordingly. For example, the Consolidated Overview will show if a CID is performing well- and agencies can observe if clients need more numbers.
We designed this tool to save you time and resources when going over your bill, and for agencies to be able to re-bill their clients in an efficient manner by connecting data in an effective way.
If you have any questions about our new billing release, please view our Billing Enhancement guide, get in contact.