Track how your callers feel with Delacon’s customer Sentiment Analysis report
Customers call your business for all kinds of reasons – to buy your product, to get support, or they might have other questions. Hopefully, these calls are positive experiences for everyone, but sometimes that’s not the case. You probably don’t have time to listen to every call your company receives, so getting a handle on how your customers are feeling can be difficult.
We can solve that problem for you, with Delacon’s Sentiment Analysis tool. Our AI-driven solution can automatically recognise what’s said on each call, and can detect separate sentiments for each person speaking. We identify the proportion of positive and negative words used, and assign a sentiment score to each speaker.
Quantifiable sentiment data
Our tool uses a custom algorithm to calculate a final ranking of the sentiment of each call, so that it can be compared to other calls that you receive. Each call is assigned a sentiment score between 0 and 10, where 0 is the most positive sentiment, and 10 is the most negative. Using this quantitative data, you can easily see how your callers are feeling

Identify trends
You can track sentiment scores over time, allowing you to proactively identify trends. Launched a new marketing campaign? Straight away, you can see how your messaging affects how your customers are feeling. Without Delacon’s sentiment data, you might be relying on word of mouth, or retroactive research, to see how changes you make are perceived by your audience.
If you have the Call Categorisation feature switched on in your profile, you can compare calls to others of the same category. Sales calls tend to have a different overall sentiment when compared to support calls, so this added feature can be really useful.
Sentiment Analysis lets you focus in on the calls that provide the best information about how your customers are feeling. Each call comes with a transcript of what was said, enabling you to identify areas for improvement and training opportunities for your staff.
You can find out more about Sentiment Analysis in our Sentiment Analysis Report support article. If you would like to know more about how the Sentiment Analysis can help your business, or to learn more about any of our reporting tools, contact us today.