How to Re-engage Lost sales Opportunities with Delacon’s Voicemail System
The structure of a business’s call centre system has a direct impact on the customer service experience they can provide their callers. For a business to answer all inbound phone calls and keep track of how many calls were unanswered is a constant struggle, especially for those who have multiple locations or franchises.
Phone calls are crucial for businesses because they can determine whether the call converted to a lead or a sale. In saying that, it is also important for businesses to see how many missed calls they have received for each of their call centre locations. Once you visualise when and why specific call centre locations are not answering calls you can try to work on converting them into sales where possible.
At Delacon we have made an enhancement to our voice mail system which allows clients to upload their voice mail audio recordings from the service ID section of the new Delacon portal. Businesses will be able to analyse the caller intent from the voicemail and look to reengage that customer with the services they require.
How does Delacon’s Voicemail system work?
The ability to reengage and convert lost sales calls can have a significant impact on your business’s ability to drive revenue, especially if you can prioritise which missed calls are the most important.
Delacon’s voicemail system allows you to record a message from your customer each time they make a call to a call tracking number and are unable to speak to you directly. The audio file containing the voicemail of the customer will then be sent to the Notification Email address that you have nominated in the Delacon Portal.
There are two types of call notification emails you can choose from: plain text and HTML. Both are available to all Delacon clients with all configurations easy to complete in Delacon’s New Portal.
The notification email that you will receive contains:
- The caller’s phone number (where available)
- The time and date of the call
- The call outcome (answered/busy/not answered)
- Whether a voicemail was left by the caller and if so, the voicemail will be attached in the plain text email and embedded in the HTML
- The full referrer URL relating to that call
What are the benefits of implementing Delacon’s Voicemail?
Delacon’s Voicemail system will provide deeper insights into the caller’s intent so that you can appropriately respond to the lost sales calls that are the most important. Once you distinguish between a sales and customer service call you can put forward a strategy on ways to re-engage those lost revenue opportunities.
For example, for a travel agency, customers who call and are looking to book a holiday are a higher priority in comparison to customers who call to enquire about what the best time to travel during the year is.
If you would like step by step instructions on how to activate the voicemail system in the Delacon portal, please click here, or if you would like more information, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us today!