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Delacon’s call tracking software uses dynamic telephone numbers displayed on your websites, and dedicated tracking numbers for your offline marketing, to give you the complete data picture.

With call tracking in place, you can more effectively understand your customers, optimise marketing campaigns, and streamline budgets to maximise return on investment. If you’re only measuring online conversions via web form submissions, you’re missing a key metric that’s vital when determining the success of marketing campaigns.

Track incoming calls

Attribute calls to their marketing source

Improve CPA and ROI

Optimize campaigns down to the keyword level

How does Delacon call tracking work?

By using our call tracking technology, you’ll be able to track your customers’ journeys from the marketing initiative through to the phone call and beyond. You will capture information about every call that feeds directly into reporting software, ready for segmentation.

We work with enterprises, agencies and government organisations. Our powerful call analytics will enable you to accurately track calls, get a more precise understanding of your cost per acquisition, and understand what your customers want when they call.

If customers contact your business by phone, you should be using Delacon’s call tracking solution.

Delacon call tracking implementation for paid media increases NIB’s ROI for offline prospects by 20


Start optimizing marketing initiatives that will drive calls and sales to your business

Call Management

Manage call flows to ensure they are answered by the right person at the right time.

Call Recording

Pinpoint drop-off in the buyer’s journey and enhance the customer experience.


Track call conversions on the same platform you’re already using to analyze online conversions.

Analytics & Reporting

Visually track call conversions to increase ROI across marketing channels, and dive into in-depth call metrics and call performance

Dynamic Numbers

Unique phone numbers follow and track website visitors throughout their browsing sessions.

Speech Analytics

Analyze conversations, spot keywords and categorize calls using our AI-enabled solution.

Are you an agency seeking innovative tools at your fingertips to accurately measure campaign success? Yes, tell me more >

How can we help? Get in touch.

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855 427 9799

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