Delacon Live Call Data Push API (Webhook) – Why you Should be Integrating it
You may have come across the terms ‘API’ and ‘webhook’ whilst browsing online, but have you ever thought of finding out what they are and whether they are useful and important to your business?
What is the difference between an API and a webhook?
Both APIs and webhooks serve by syncing and relaying data between two or more applications or platforms, but through slightly different means.
An API (Application Programming Interface) allows you to add, edit, and retrieve data (or share data and functionality), but you need to manually request that data to be sent to you. This is done through polling – asking for new data at regular time intervals regardless of whether there is new data or not. When a request is made asking for new data, the request is fulfilled through the command line of the computer – usually through JSON or XML formatting, and a response is delivered back to the requester.
A webhook is similar to, but simpler than an API_._ Instead of requesting for data, a webhook automatically delivers that data to a specified URL whenever an event happens. When an event happens on one application, it triggers a series of actions. Data is serialised and collected from that event and then sent it to a webhook URL for another application (the URL is a place within your application in which you want to do something based off the data collected). The application that receives the data, then sends a call back message to the first application, usually through a HTTP request, which lets the first application know whether the data was received successfully or not. Webhook URLs are unique to each user. Consumers register a URL with the company that is providing the service and they will deliver the data to you through that URL.
Why should you be integrating this in your system?
By integrating Delacon’s “live data push API” (aka webhook), allows integrating partners to manage the call tracking data produced by the Delacon system, to be stored in their own integrated CRM (customer relationship management) system. Which ultimately allows partners to interpret and analyse call tracking data any way that they would like.
When a call is initiated in the Delacon system, data will be sent to a URL that was provided by the customer. When a call ends in the Delacon system, data will be sent again to that URL, notifying the customer of the ending of a call, and attached will be a link of the recording of the call just answered or unanswered. This provides partners with instant, real time information as data is pushed from Delacon’s system into the partner’s CRM system immediately.
For additional information, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us!