Merging Duplicate Leads in Salesforce for Accurate ROI
When using Salesforce, there are instances where leads are duplicated- for example, when a Delacon call comes through, it automatically creates a new lead in Salesforce, which can result in duplicates if the same caller calls multiple times. Additionally, at times Salesforce users re-create duplicates of the same lead because they may not know the correct location of the original lead or they haven’t checked for the existence of the original lead.
While having duplicate leads may eventually still result in lead conversions and sales, the ROI of a program/campaign cannot be truly determined. This means that if you are wanting accurate data of campaign performance and effective communication with your clients and prospects, it’s important to merge any duplicate leads.
When a Delacon phone call lead goes into Salesforce, it comes with a Google Analytics call ID, and marketing campaign information. Our guide will assist with obtaining an accurate ROI by taking into account all leads as well as their contribution to a sale or conversion, and their position is your sales funnel based on your campaign data.
Additionally, by merging leads, you can ensure correspondence and marketing strategies are not duplicated if you use EDM and other platforms to communicate with your database.
Please see our Merging Leads in Salesforce for Accurate ROI guide, and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us directly.