Using call data for predictive analytics
Call tracking is certainly fantastic at providing unique insights about the people that are calling your business. Delacon’s call tracking solution captures a range of data about the caller including the marketing campaign that prompted the call, the keywords they used that led them to click on a paid ad and the landing page they hit. With the data you can optimise your campaigns and also use the information to aid the sales discussion with the lead.
But what’s the next step logical step for call tracking?
Here at Delacon we’ve spent many hours discussing how we can further use the data to provide even greater insights for our clients. In our minds, the potential is clear – using the collected call data as a predictive tool.
Predictive analytics isn’t really anything new. Many companies already use predictions based on the data collected in their CRM to predict their customer’s buying habits and to influence marketing campaigns based on sales. You can also make intelligent future inferences surrounding customer retention to minimise attrition. By predicting the way customers interact with your products and services based on established behavioural patterns can help you keep and maintain future customers who haven’t yet signed up to your business.
Call tracking will play a significant role in these predictive analytics models for both lead nurture and customer retention.
If you’re not using call data to make intelligent decisions about future lead/customer behaviour then you’re missing a key metric.
It’s widely established that calls generally attract higher value sales and the caller is usually further along the sales cycle. Therefore how can you make accurate predictions on future behaviour if you’re not including such key information as call data?
Specifically you’ll be able to make intelligent decisions about why your leads will want to call you in the future, what advertising campaigns will yield the most calls in six months’ time and which keywords will work more effectively in a year.
Armed with predictive insights you’ll also be able to more effectively train your sales team and call centre operators. In this way, your teams will always be on the front foot, actively promoting your products and services with even more confidence.
The best way to prepare for the future is to begin collecting the call data so that you can start analysing trends. The more call data you possess, the more finely tuned your predictive analytics will be.