The notification email template guide
One of the great features we have is the call notification email. The email can be sent to your business each time your business receives a call. The email can include information on the phone call received including its duration, whether it was answered or unanswered and the time and date of the call.
If you would like to receive call notification emails please contact your account manager with the fields you would like included and they can set this up for you.
You can find the full list of fields right here.
We provide five variations on our call notification email, depending on the status of the call:
- Answered
- Unanswered with Voicemail
- Unanswered no Voicemail
- Busy with Voicemail
- Busy no Voicemail
Subject: Call Received
Hi John,
Just a confirmation message to let you know a potential customer just called your business.
The call came from ‘tel:0412 345 678 and was received at 16:26 EST on 05/09/2016 and was answered.
The caller selected 1-Sales from the IVR options.
The duration was 120 seconds and the keywords were ‘red cars’.
Customer Service Team.
Subject: Missed call with Voicemail
Hi John,
Just a quick message from to let you know a potential customer just called your business. The call was unanswered and they left a voice message which is attached to this email.
The call came from ‘tel:0412 345 678 and was received at 16:26 EST on 05/09/2016.
Customer Service Team.
Subject: Missed call no voicemail
Hi John,
Just a quick message from to let you know a potential customer just called your business. The call was unanswered and they did not leave a voice message.
The call came from ‘tel:0412 345 678 and was received at 16:26 EST on 05/09/2016.
Customer Service Team.
Subject: Line busy with voicemail
Hi John,
Just a quick message from to let you know a potential customer just called your business. The line was busy and they left a voice message which is attached to this email.
The call came from ‘tel:0292884637’ and was received at 11:32 EST on 23/09/2016.
Customer Service Team.
Subject: Line busy no voicemail
Hi John,
Just a quick message from to let you know a potential customer just called your business. The line was busy and they did not leave a voice message.
The call came from ‘tel:0292884637’ and was received at 11:32 EST on 23/09/2016.
Customer Service Team.
Subject: [Subject]
Hi [name],
Just a confirmation message to let you know a potential customer just called your business.
The call came from ‘tel[phone] and was received at [time] on [date] and was [CallStatus].
The caller selected [dtmf] – [dtmf_log] from the IVR options.
The duration of the call was [second] seconds and the keywords were [keywords].
Customer Service Team