Top 5 Reasons Agencies Use Call Tracking
In an increasingly competitive market, it is becoming more and more important to stand out from the crowed to not only attract new business, but to retain existing clients. Call tracking is just one way you can do this as it adds another solution to your client offering. We have put together our Top 5 Reasons Agencies Use Call Tracking and partner with a call tracking provider.
At the end of the day your clients are looking for a strategic partner that can deliver results. Effectively and efficiently prove your value daily by bringing them actionable insights that help them to eliminate wasted ad spend, improve marketing return on investment and generate high quality sales leads and revenue streams.
If you’re not providing your clients with fresh ideas and new ways to build qualified lead funnels then they’ll find someone else who will. Call tracking data can help you to prove without a doubt how you and your team contribute to their business results.
The integration of call tracking data and analytics into your service offering provides the missing link to helping your clients close the loop on their sales and marketing processes. This provides your agency with the ability to embed your team in the day-to-day operations of your clients marketing campaigns and business results. Instantly, extra billable hours become available in the form of analytics and reporting. Not to mention the ability to charge a premium for these “value add” services.
Delacon’s call tracking solution can help you to discover exactly which keywords are generating offline phone calls to your clients business. This powerful information takes the guesswork out of your decision making process. Call tracking data enables your team to adjust your PPC bidding strategy based on complete information so you can accurately increase bid spend on the keywords that work, and reduce spend on those that don’t.
Delacon’s call tracking data shows you which keywords are generating phone calls and which aren’t. Many Agencies find that very quickly new keyword opportunities are highlighted while underperforming keywords are able to be instantly removed for improved performance.
By simply linking online browsing behaviours to telephone calls your Agency is able to close the illusive loop. At the click of a button you have a holistic view of campaign performance – right within your web analytics and bid management environments.
Call tracking technology shines a light on true campaign effectiveness and ROI. True CPC, CPL, CPA can only be determined when you have all the facts. Delacon’s Call Tacking solution gives you these facts.