Our Solutions

In the same way you can optimize your customer's online journey, you can do the same for phone calls. By using our sophisticated Call Analytics solution, you can make real-time improvements to your marketing campaigns.

Delacon Phone Icon
Call Tracking And Analytics

Track call conversions from all channels to increase ROI across marketing channels.

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Speech Analytics

Analyze conversations, spot keywords and categorize calls using our AI-enabled solution.

Global Coverage
IVR & Call Management

Manage call flows to ensure they are answered by the right person at the right time.

Global Brands use Delacon to drive more calls to their business

Delacon Client - Optus
Delacon Client - Open Colleges
Delacon Client - iSelect
Delacon Client - Flight Center
Delacon Client - Monster Group
Delacon Client - aHM
Delacon Client - RACV
Delacon Client - NSW
What call tracking data are you missing

What data are you missing?

By tracking your calls you will accurately capture all conversion data

Start call tracking

Powerful Platform

Analytics & Reporting
Call Tracking and Analytics

Visually track call conversions to increase ROI across marketing channels, and dive into in-depth call metrics and call performance.

Call Management
Call Notifications

Receive instant call notification emails every time your business receives a phone call.

Speech Analytics
White Label

Customize our platform to suit your branding so you can provide your customers with a seamless experience.


Track call conversions on the same platform you’re already using to analyze online conversions.

Dynamic Numbers
Dynamic Numbers

Unique phone numbers follow and track website visitors throughout their browsing sessions.

Call Recording
Call Recordings

Pinpoint drop-off in the buyer’s journey and enhance the customer experience.

Man working on computer Man working on computer

Powerful Reporting

Customize your marketing ROI and streamline your call centre.

Call Tracking Keyword Report
Call Tracking Landing Page Report
Call Tracking Total Calls Report

The research is conclusive – 70 per cent of mobile searching results in a call and 43 per cent of all web search-related sales conversions take place on the phone. Tracking calls is important. By using Delacon’s advanced Call Tracking solution, you will be able to analyze the data to gain insights into what happens before, during and after the call. You’ll be able to follow your lead’s journey from the marketing initiative that sparked their interest, through to the phone conversation with your team and beyond.

Call data is the missing metric.

By tracking inbound calls to your business you will have all the data to make fully informed descisions about your campaigns. You can analyse this information in Delacon's portal, Google Analytics and other software platforms that you're currently using.

Sophisticated Solutions

In addition, you can utilise the sophisticated features associated with our solution to manage callers in a way that most benefits your business. Route calls based on the caller's postcode or transfer the prospect to the nearest store depending on where they're telephoning from. The ability to record the conversation is of significant benefit to companies that regularly train their staff and endeavour to maintain superior levels of quality.
Delacon's solution will give you the complete picture so that can more effectively optimise marketing campaigns and streamline budgets to maximise the return on investment

Contact Delacon to see a live demo

Delacon has a global presence

Global Coverage

With data centres and offices strategically placed around the world, and the ability to provision call tracking numbers for many countries, Delacon’s Call Tracking solution is truly global. For countries where our software isn’t operational, we can still track calls coming from that country to a destination that we do service. Therefore, if you’re based in America and you receive a call from Peru – we can still track that call.

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