What is an Internal Referral (Same Link Referral)?
When a customer commences a search on the internet, call tracking captures the journey from the initial referral, through to the pages that the customer browses, right down to the page that a phone call is made from- providing Delacon call tracking code is present on all pages.
If the code is correctly implemented, we will see a clear snapshot of the customer journey from start to finish.
If, however one or more website pages do not have the Delacon code, this creates a break in the journey, and only the path re-starting from a page with code (after visiting one without) will be recorded as the new start point of the customer journey. When tracking code is missing from a page on a website, it breaks the chain.
For example, if tracking code is correctly implemented on all pages and a customer types the word “Delacon” into a search engine, clicks onto our Home page, then our Integrations page and then our Contact page– we will be able to capture all details including the keyword/search terms used to initiate the original search, name of search engine and all pages visited on the website before a phone call was made.
If for instance code is present on all pages other than our Integrations page, and the customer follows the same pattern, we will not see any tracking data other than the customer landing on the contact us page, losing valuable insights. The absence of code on a page breaks the tracking of the customer journey.
This is why it’s important to ensure all pages contain the correct Delacon tracking code.